Monday, November 8, 2010

The liberation efforts are catching on

Check out this cool Google map of open government data initiatives around the world.

It may not be long before India bears some of those markers as well. President Obama, during his recent visit to Mumbai, attended the first-ever Expo on Democracy and Open Government, and along with President Singh, launched a U.S.-India Partnership on Open Government.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Objective media and media objectives

The news today of Keith Olbermann’s indefinite suspension from MSNBC was just the latest in a series of recent affronts to North American progressives. In case you haven’t heard, Olbermann, the host of the network’s popular Countdown with Keith Olbermann, was suspended for having made political donations of $2400 each to three Democratic candidates in this week's U.S. election. The problem for the network was that his support constituted a breach of their journalistic code of ethics, which strives to maintain objectivity in its reporting. Or in slightly more legal terms, it strives to avoid any conflicts of interest.

If you follow Olbermann, you know that his political leanings are no secret. In fact, his career is defined by his savvy political commentary. Whether or not he is a journalist is debatable, but his employer seems to think he is one. If the network hadn't reacted, most people wouldn't have batted an eyelash over this. As Matt Taibbi puts it, "NBC punishing Olbermann for donating to Democratic candidates is like Hugh Hefner fining the Playmate of the Year for showing ankle."

So what gives? The response does seem completely punitive. All debate about journalistic objectivity aside, the network's grandstanding certainly has helped to give due public attention to some of the really big political investments recently made by media types. Rachel Maddow exposes some here. In the American media, journalistic integrity is apparently applied selectively. And this whole debacle is falling on the heels of several recent media reports about just how powerful a force the very rich and the very crazy can be.

I don't know if there's anybody who still believes that journalism can be wholly objective. But if recent election results in North America are anything to go by, objectivity is something that not enough people care about.

There are lots of geeks in the White House

Check out this interview with Vivek Kundra, U.S. Chief Information Officer, in which he talks about getting government online. When started in May 2009, there were 47 datasets available. Today there are 274,000.

March for Science Tomorrow

It's been a year since the first, million-strong science march took place. In 600 locations across 7 continents, scientists, non-scie...